"Somebody is using those Assembly halls, but it isn't us who helped pay for them!"
Who is this "somebody"? Is it being rented out to the public?
the congregation that i am associated with pledged a monthly amount for the construction of a new assembly hall.
after it was built, that was where we went for several years, even though it was the farthest-away place we had ever had for our circuit assemblies.. after a few years, lo and behold, our congregation is assigned to a new circuit where (surprise!
) a new assembly hall is in the early stages of construction.
"Somebody is using those Assembly halls, but it isn't us who helped pay for them!"
Who is this "somebody"? Is it being rented out to the public?
the setup:.
the supreme court rules in favor of gay marriage across the board, regardless of state constitutions in the next few weeks.. a gay couple get happily married.
several months go by and one of them is contacted at the door by jws.
"...could the elders put their foot down & say they can't remarry because no adultery had occurred and based on this technicality, their gay divorce was unscriptural?"
"But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery." - Matthew 5:32 New International Version
The phrase used in that scripture is translated from the word "porneias" (πορνείας) which is not limited to adultery but refers to any sexual 'immorality'.
the congregation that i am associated with pledged a monthly amount for the construction of a new assembly hall.
after it was built, that was where we went for several years, even though it was the farthest-away place we had ever had for our circuit assemblies.. after a few years, lo and behold, our congregation is assigned to a new circuit where (surprise!
) a new assembly hall is in the early stages of construction.
the congregation that i am associated with pledged a monthly amount for the construction of a new assembly hall.
after it was built, that was where we went for several years, even though it was the farthest-away place we had ever had for our circuit assemblies.. after a few years, lo and behold, our congregation is assigned to a new circuit where (surprise!
) a new assembly hall is in the early stages of construction.
opposition to same-sex marriage is prominent among many religious groups in the united states, according to a new survey.groups with the largest opposition to homosexuals marrying are jehovahs witnesses (75%), mormons (68%), white evangelical protestants (66%), hispanic protestants (58%), black protestants (54%), and muslims (51%), the public religion research institute found in its survey of 40,000 americans.among white evangelical protestants, white baptists are the most opposed (72%).on the acceptance side of the issue, the most supportive are buddhists (84%), jews (77%), americans who select other religion (75%), and white mainline protestants (62%).a breakdown of white mainline protestant denominations shows support is highest among presbyterians (69%) and both episcopalians and congregationalists/united church of christ members (68%).even a majority of white mainline baptists (53%) back same-sex marriages.
among catholics, 61% of whites and 60% of hispanics support gay weddings.. and the survey is here:.
That survey is based on those who identify themselves as Witnesses but not necessarily those who are active. Half of all who ever were Witnesses are probably active.
Even answering a survey skews the type of Witness that is rendering an opinion in the first place since they are to be politically neutral. That survey must have been answered by "worldly" Witnesses a few of whom would express a Liberal attitude.
maybe someone can post the article.
by brady mccombs the associated press.
friday april 24. .
Record increase in Mormon missionaries doesn't lead to equal spike in converts.
interesting to compare with what jw's practice..
He wasn't a good host. Unprofessional.
As for the analogy with the Witnesses the same thing applies to Biblical, Judeo-Christian religion. You were to be stoned or barbecued. All fundamentalist religions are the same.
you can't see electricity or hear it or feel it.
well, there are sparks and lightning bolts and heating elements and the light and heat of filaments.
and somehow, it lights up neon in a tube.
Please don't get him angry.
what would be your plan or ideal reason the walls came crashing down?
how can protection from destruction at armageddon be solely with the jehovah's witnesses when the great multitude is one that no man could number while the jehovah's witnesses put great effort into cooking statistics of how many jws there are worldwide?
the unscriptural scare tactics they use are blatantly insulting to anyone who can read a bible.
Please don't ask me to explain:
Which no man could number.—“Whose number no man is able to tell (i. e., it is not a foreordained or fixed number—none were called to be of this company.)”—Rev. 5:11.
Of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues.—“As the number of the Bride of Christ is to be 144,000, it would be reasonable to think that each number of this class may have 144,000 to look after, as 144,000 x 144,000 equals 20,736,000,000 (twenty billions seven hundred and thirty-six millions), evidently just about the right number to be cared for—144,000 would be quite a host for each individual of the Bride class to look after. So we can see the necessity for the work of the Great Company." - The Finished Mystery 1917